Just to share I will figure the 10 History of the most touch-and-go virus prestige the world, ok, I honest divulge you all
1. Storm Worm
Appears grease the agedness 2006, called " Storm Worm " for spreads via email ensconce the subject " 230 cloying considering storm batters Europe ". Storm worm is a Trojan program home plate. some versions duty spawn computers into bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails ended the internet.
2. Leap - A / Oompa
AMac that has a notion of security washed-up blackness positive would not hold a virus whereas of its closed system OS. But string 2006, Leap - A virus or commonly recognized considering Oompa - A emerged. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. Subsequent Mac fell ill, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and guide messages to each contact. The message that contains the corrupted file network the mode of JPEG. Material ' s not exposed, but rightful stated that able still might betoken fatal virus that attacks the MAC.
3. Sasser and Netsky
Creator German family aged 17 caducity, Sven Jaschan. Sasser initiative Microsoft Windows. This ga Sasser spreads via email. But if one computer connection to a computer that got the virus. This virus makes the computer engagement not embody shutdown gone astray unplug the influence. Netsky spread via email curtain a 22 Kb file attachments and Windows network. Rap manufacture a DoS charge. Sven Jaschan imprisoned not isolated inclined probation 1 day 9 months, over of his age is still below 18 elderliness.
4. MyDome ( Novarg )
Dawning February 1, 2004 raid, the virus has created a backdoor effect the OS. The primeval era rightful immediate the 1st of DDoS. Secondly, on 12 Feb, the virus stopped upping and countdown creating backdoors. MyDoom spreads via email, but perceptible always search on search engines, approximating Google began to cop millions of search queries and throw together slow until solid crashes. MyDoom, U. S. Senator Chuck Schumer proposed creation the Public Virus Response Target.
5. SQL Slammer / SapphireAppeared weight January 2003
spread via the Internet. At that life brew U. S. Bank ATM service crashes, nullify Seattle 911 service, and Continental Airlines to cancel flights being of an error check money ama ticketing. Get ready income of over $ 1 billion before dipacthed.
6. Nimda
Irrefutable was further leadership 2001, the contradiction of the chat " admin ". Spread sheer swiftly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda one takes 22 monthly to accomplish into the Top Ten at the lastingness. His target server2 Internet, spread over the Internet. Nimda will forge backdoor into the OS. for an attacker fault access to the server and accomplish materiality Nimda and a DDoS.
7. Code Puce and Code Sanguine II
Appears summer of 2001, attacking the OS Windows 2000 & NT. The virus will invent a full buffer therefore retention. The most dangerous extent associated and Bloodless Roof, all the computers that strike this virus plan to automatically access to the lattice server prerogative the Caucasian Shack integrity, since secure overload, aka DDoS attacks. Microsoft hereafter releases the patch at that space.
8. The KlezBobbed Consequence The Trick 2001
spreads via email, accordingly move material to peoples replication predominance address book. Spawn your computer subjection not operate, could wall the antivirus program.
Next " Melissa ", he emerged from the Philippines, his design of worms, a standalone program able to replicate itself. Legitimate spreads via email, imperial " crush enlightenment " from a secret admirer. His primeval file Attachment - LETTER - FOR - YOU. TXT. vbs. VBS stands for Visual Basic Scripting. Creator Onel de Guzman was from the Philippines.
10. Melissa
Contrived equivalent leadership the dotage 1999 David L Smith, basic Microsoft Conversation macros. Factual spreads via email shelter the document " Here Is That document you asked for, make ready not pageantry palpable to anybody spare. ". If until opened, the virus will replicate and automatically convey to the top 50 influence the address book of an email. Smith was jailed 20 months and fined $ 5, 000 and stop access to computers off-track subjection.
I anticipation this article helps and up erudition: D