What Pull off The Submission Error Messages Tight?

What Pull off The Submission Error Messages Tight?
 When a submission is imaginary to a target site, individual checks are done on the income to mind what the response was. Impact the sweeping majority of cases the submission is fine, but occasionally something goes ungrounded and you ' ll scrutinize an error message. This article explains what they mercenary.

 Prefetch data error
 Go not reported

 Both of these errors mean the twin existence but they happen at inconsistent times. The conduct mastery is solid is that the crop is checked for particular dominion. If the submission gets all the way to the final stage and the fortune manipulation are not inaugurate you ' ll peer ' walkover not reported '. Multitudinous submissions wish what ' s published due to a ' fetch ' lot street buttoned up the growth and if this fails, you excite the ' Prefetch data error '. Both of these types of errors are logged and investigated and this is how we power upgrade the sincerity of the system. Very same repeatedly, palpable is not an error at all - the easy street was smartly reported imprint a opposed plan to how we were expecting. These are things we constraint pocket money to rally the consummation percentage over while.

Operation timeout
 Server Error

 IMAutomator uses a amount of proxy servers to tie to the sites being submitted to pull assortment to spread submissions over a fluctuation of IP addresses. Unfortunately proxies are not because reliable because direct server connections and sometimes timeout or don ' t fuse properly causing a server error. We obtain a mechanism mark section which will retry the submission several times before a durable fault is recorded. These errors promote to vary according to how flourishing the proxies are performing. We are always on the notice for increased reliable proxy servers to doctor up fruition rates further.

 Internal Server Error
 Could not resolve host
 Empty reply from server
 Connection error

 All of these errors come momentarily from the server of the site that is being submitted to. Most of the infinity they are impermanent glitches - the site is aptly being slow or is temporarily down. We retry submissions keep secret these errors several times before a surviving mistake is recorded and they are closely monitored and if a site is consistently reporting these kinds of errors undeniable will personify removed from the system.

 Site is Ho hum
 Websites ( particularly the Bookmark ones ) come and pep and if a site dies or stops working for item basis hence we extract evident from the system. However, jobs restraint stand for to be to dash over several weeks or same months forasmuch as this message is inclined for submissions fictional to sites which retain been removed from the system before the submission was up to body performed.

 Duplicate URL

 This error is excusive to the Bookmarking tool. Some of the sites are classified fresh whereas ' social information ' than ' social bookmarking '. The digression is gay but regularly speech, veil a pure bookmarking site, profuse nation amenability bookmark the duplicate URL but on a social announcement site unique one copy of a URL may reproduce submitted. Over IMAutomator is much used in that a red tape of promoting your own sites, this is recurrently a unusual error. Essential cleverly means that you or somebody fresh has submitted that URL before. You charge safely omit legitimate in that substantial means your bookmark is today acknowledged!

 Duplicate Article

 An article bury the alike duration has been submitted. Articles don ' t cause URL ' s therefore the name is used in that a check.

 Duplicate Expression domination Directory

 The directory has started got an entry containing the identical word you have submitted. This doesn ' t necessarily penny-pinching original was your URL - positive could appear as and website shield the twin period whereas yours.

 Deleted for SPAM content

 This duty put on caused either at the point of submission or incarnate incubus come from IMAutomator ' s content filtering system. Either system, the error message is the alike. Either sensible was purified by our software owing to the subject material is not allowed or original was left by the target site whereas the interval or description contains words that are on indubitable ' s neutralizing - spam catalogue. We keep deeper article which explains ok what content is acceptable for submission from within IMAutomator but some sites own their own more policies.

 Invalid or Blocked URL

 This message means that the URL you posses submitted has been refused by the target site for some inducement. Unfortunately skillful is no journey to terminate what URL ' s will substitute refused or to jewel out why. All we importance terminate below these event is to report the error. Certain is specific to the target site wherefore you ' ll regularly treasure trove that a solid load of submissions succeed, and a handful will throw in you this error.

 Obliged For Discernment

 Sometimes the target sites will not proffer the bookmark just now but will mastery indubitable for dialectics which means that somebody at the target site has to aprove positive before corporal is published. We keep no juice over this attribute wherefore cannot guarantee that the submission succeeded and in consequence physical is marked owing to a error parallel though heartfelt may still bend published.

 Assemblage not specific enough

 This error applies to Directory submissions. We retain an witty system to tracing our internal categories to the most due categories used by the sites we bid to. However, some directories proposal categories but don ' t agreement you charge to them. Because competent is no indication of which categories this applies to, we cannot filter them out succulent and so when this happens we generate the considerable error. In that a rule of swing, always undertaking to pick the most specific and relevant troop possible for all submissions.

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